Personal Soulsymbol

A personal soul symbol empowers you in your essence and reminds you of your original frequency. It supports your "being aware" and maintaining your frequency of Love and Light here on earth ♥

For a personal symbol, I tune into your energy or the energy of your intention

An intention can be:

  • Personal symbols

A symbol aligned with you

  • Animal symbols:

A symbol aligned with your (pet) animal

  • Memorial symbols

A symbol tuned into a soul you love (human or animal) who has passed to another dimension

  • Baby Symbols

A symbol aligned with a baby (soul) who is already with you or may be on its way

  • TwinSoul Symbols:

A symbol aligned with you and your twinsoul

  • Connection symbols:

A symbol aligned with you and the connection with another (human or animal)

(symbols below are examples of personal soul symbols created in assignment)