Welcome to Itss-Creation

|nteractive Transformative SoulSymbols

BANNER HOME Itss-Creation Hadewijch Gerlof
Universal Soul Symbols, LogoDesign, card decks, Lightsessions and other creations

 Universal Soul Symbols

Energetic creations in support of the Golden frequencies of Light and Love ♥

BANNER HOME universele zielsymbolen Hadewijch Gerlof pijnappelklier activatie

Personal Soul Symbols 

A unique soul symbol containing Lightcodes in alignment with you personally

BANNER HOME Persoonlijk zielsymbool Hadewijch Gerlof

Soul symbol jewelry


How nice to be able to carry the energy and light codes of the soul symbols with you

and to be able to tune in every moment of the day

to frequencies that offer you so much support and opportunities for growth, transformation and awareness! 


zielsymbool sieraden - soulsymbol jewels

 Card decks

Soul symbols 1 to 90

BANNER HOME kaartendeck zielsymbolen itss-creation Hadewijch Gerlof

Free from thoughts, inner wisdom flows:

Thoughts go round in circles

Inner wisdom flows freely and connects to oneness

The circle becomes Love ♥

 ❤️✨ Love, Joy and Light ✨❤️

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